Forbes Names The Hennessy Group a Top Executive Recruiting Firm


The Hennessy Group, a retained executive search firm specializing in the life sciences, pharmaceutical and health care industries, was recently named by Forbes as one of the top executive recruiting firms in the United States.

“It’s always an honor to be recognized for the work you do,” said The Hennessy Group founder and CEO, Robert Hennessy. “But it’s even more exciting when you’re a small, specialized firm going head-to-head against recruiting giants.”

Hennessy credits his firm’s success -- and their placement on the list of top executive recruiting companies -- to the personal approach his team takes in every placement. “We use technology to help facilitate our process, but at the heart of every successful placement is the individual attention we’re giving to our clients and our candidates,” he said. “We don’t just hand over a list of names with the right job descriptions on their resumes. We get to know every candidate we recommend. It’s a long process on our part: we call, we talk, and we talk some more. But that’s the only way you can really understand a candidate’s strengths, motivations, and how they’ll fit into a company’s culture. Our recruiting team wouldn’t be the rockstars they are if they didn’t take the time to do this.”

Recently, The Hennessy Group compiled a list of its executive placements who ultimately advanced to president or CEO of a life sciences company. According to Hennessy, on average, an advancement like this occurs every 12 months for his candidates. “We’re a small firm, so telling clients that we’re presenting candidates with strong CEO potential means a lot. And we have the data to back it up,” he said.

The Forbes ranking, which is available online, includes executive recruiting firms of all sizes and specialties. The publication worked with Statista and asked 4,000 recruiters, HR managers and other employees who have worked with recruiters, to recommend up to 10 firms. More than 20,000 recommendations were received -- Forbes’ list is compiled of the highest ranked among them.

“We couldn’t be happier about being included in this list of the industry’s top executive search firms and that we were ranked by people we’ve worked with in the past,” said Hennessy. “Knowing that companies value what we do is our most important metric. And every time one of our former clients or candidates asks us to work with them again on a new search project, that’s an indicator that we’re doing our jobs right and that what we’re doing matters.”

About The Hennessy Group

The Hennessy Group is a retained executive search firm conducting in-depth searches for executives, CEOs and board directors in the life sciences industry, including pharma and healthcare, both domestically and worldwide. With more than 30-years’ experience, The Hennessy Group offers guaranteed search success for U.S. companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices, and diagnostics industries. Learn more about The Hennessy Group at

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